ISTQB CTAL 考题结构和考试规则 2012版(英文版)
ISTQB - 2012 Advanced Level Syllabi Exam Structure and Rules Version 2012-1.2
1. General
1.1. Validity
All ISTQB 2012 Advanced Level examinations run after 19 October 2013 shall comply with the
structure and rules described in this document, regardless of language and media.
1.2. Purpose
This document contains structure and rules for the setup of examinations related to the ISTQB 2012
Advanced Level syllabi.
1.3. Scope
This document covers:
a) the number of questions per examination;
b) the length of the examination;
c) the distribution of questions per topic (chapter); and
d) the distribution of questions per cognitive level.
1.4. References
[QWRR_2011] ISTQB - Question Writing Rules & Recommendations Version 2011-1
[CTAL_2012] ISTQB 2012 Advanced Syllabi